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Community Life

Sisters of Mary Queen
Sisters of Mary Queen
Sisters of Mary Queen
Sisters of Mary Queen

" This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." Jn 13:35

Fraternal life in community belongs to the nature of our institute. It aims at helping one another fulfill our religious vocation. (CMR Constitutions #20)

We recognize life in community as a gift given by God. Therefore, we receive one another with joy and gratitude. (CMR Constitutions #23)


Being united in heart, mind and spirit, we live the same charism and keep the same rules. Our daily life is balanced between communal activities and the need for personal, private time.


For example: 

We pray as a community in Morning, Evening, and Night Prayer, but we also spend time in private prayer, adoration, and spiritual readings.    


We often enjoy evening meals together, however at other meals, we appreciate quiet meals alone or with only a few members. 


During the week, we tend to our particular ministry (assigned according to our skills and profession). On the weekends, we work together participating in household chores.  Saturday is normally our community day for outdoor work or special community activities.


We laugh and delight in our community time, weekly recreation, movies, field trips, picnic, etc. with a purpose to give joy to one another.  We also respect our time for individual, personal relaxation.

Congregation of Mary Queen
Congregation of Mary Queen
Congregation of Mary Queen
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