Prayer Life
"...Pray always without becoming weary."
Luke 18:1
"As Jesus' prayer occupied a special place in His life, we should maintain and deepen our communion with God. This is an effective means to seek and love God above everything. Moreover, only through prayer we may be able to respond to our consecration"
(CMR Constitutions)

Prayer means a relationship with God. Thus, prayer is “everything” for the consecrated life. Through prayer, our relationship with God is deepened, our vocation is strengthened, and our ministries bear fruits. (CMR Constitutions #29)
Taking vows to follow Jesus more closely means we strive to commit ourselves to keeping his commandment to “pray always” (Lk 18:1) by following a schedule set out by our community. This includes community/liturgical prayer and personal prayer. Our daily prayer life includes:
Liturgical Morning and Evening Prayer
Holy Mass
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Spiritual Reading
Examination of Conscience
In addition, at every moment, we strive to live in constant union with God through loving awareness of His presence and intimate communication with Him.
An example of our daily schedule can be found here.