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What does a sister

do all day?

Our lives as sisters are to be a part of this world, but not of this world.  God has called us, and we have answered His call to be: His eyes, hands, and feet. It is our duty. When the sun rises, so do we....

Rise to heaven. Rise to joy. Rise to love.

Daily schedule


06:00am Rise


06:30am Morning Prayer/ Scripture Meditation


07:00am Mass


07:45am Breakfast


08:00am Depart for Ministry (as teachers, nurses, early childhood providers, directors of religious education, social workers, lab techs, translators)


We return home to the convent at different times.


06:00pm Evening Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration


07:00pm Dinner (We have dinner together every day so we can share stories, set-backs, and fraternal communion.)

08:00pm Rosary and Examination of Conscience


08:45pm Personal Time (We use this time to stay in touch with our families and friends, to pursue hobbies ex. piano, knitting, scrapbooking, etc. or to spend more time on personal prayer, to relax, or retire to bed if we're tired.)


10:00pm Grand Silence (We refrain from all unnecessary conversation, in order, to give each other the time and space to be in touch with ourselves and to be in union God.)


11:00pm Lights Out (We retire for the night, keeping a regular schedule of 7 hours of sleep. As we close our eyes, we realize that the day's load of responsibilities, concerns, and sorrows are completely in the hands of God, our loving Father.)


On the weekends, we serve in the following ministries: catechists at various different parishes (Chương Trình Giáo Lý), spiritual guidance to Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement (Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thế), and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion to the homebound (Thừa tác viên Thánh Thế ngoại lệ)


The best way to know what we do is to

give us a call, send us a text/email, or visit us.

Congregation of Mary, Queen - American Region
Dòng Trinh VươngChi Dòng Hoa Kỳ
Regional Headquarters &
Vocations Office

625 South Jefferson Avenue
 Springfield, MO 65806  
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