Zoom School
ZOOM - A strange word to me when my principal asked all the teachers to meet her in Zoom! I thought my principal just misspelled the word "ROOM". Well, I quickly found out that she gave me a link and not a room number.
Let me tell you about “The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, and THE Grace of ZOOM!”
The Good
My first few days of Zoom was chaos. With 17 excited students in the Zoom classroom, they all wanted to "Zoom me" everything, including parents, brothers, sisters, and pets. Luckily, they did not Zoom the restroom. On my next Zoom, I discovered that they loved to talk - all at once! Fortunately, I discovered a magic "MUTE" button and amazingly, there was not a single sound. Creatively, however, the students tried to do pantomime and sign language with their mouths, hands, and heads. It was hilarious!
Last week, in the middle of a lesson, a dog suddenly came on the screen and one of my students immediately started chasing it. Both disappeared from the screen. A few minutes later, he came back and told me, "Sorry, Sister I was chasing the dog because he tried to eat my chicken." On Friday, we have "Show and Tell,” and one of my students ran out of Zoom and came back with a fresh, beautiful, red rose saying: “Sister, this is for you! I just cut it from my garden.” It was so sweet and thoughtful of her!
The Bad & The Ugly
E-Learning or Distance Learning is a new term for me. I now teach all of my 3rd grade subjects online. This has been a definite challenge at times because I have found that I am on the laptop far more than I would like. I joke with my friends, "I am married to my laptop! My 'husband' does not eat or sleep. He works all day and night without resting. I need to have another 'HONEYMOON'!" One of my friends wrote back, "Have a good rest of the week and enjoy the Honeymoon!" Thanks be to God!
The Grace
With all the chaos of Zoom, I always start my Zoom lessons with prayer. One of the parents sent me a very prayerful picture: While the son, Luke, knelt down to pray, his little sister, Emma, also kneeled down and prayed with us. AMEN!

Sr. Teresita Thúy Au, CMR
A few of Sr. Terry's students E-learning at ZOOM SCHOOL