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Mary's Fiat and What It Means to Me

Updated: Apr 3, 2023

Dear Young Friends in Christ,

Have you ever asked, why are you here on this earth? Have you ever questioned why prayer is important and how faith can be helpful? If you have been searching for an answer to these questions, I hope this sharing will shed some light.

The Feast of the Annunciation is this Saturday, March 25th. On this day, the Church commemorates Mary’s “Fiat” or “Yes” to God to be the mother of His Son. Mary too was a young person who likely had the same questions we all do. Yet, Mary knew her Jewish faith well. She was convinced of God’s deep love for each and every one of us; that God has a unique plan for every human being He creates. Therefore when the angel Gabriel appeared and revealed God’s plan, Mary was able to confidently to say “Yes, I am the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done according to your word” (Luke 1:38).

Mary built her faith through daily prayer and trying to see God in her day-to-day life. Therefore, she was able to say 100% “Yes” to God even when she walked into this unknown future. Mary did not need to know the why or the how or all the answers to life’s questions because she already knew well the One who invited and called her.

In the same way, you do not need to know where are you going but you just need to know who leads you.

Prayer is the opportunity to get to know God and ask Him to reveal himself to you. Saint Mother Teresa said, “The fruit of prayer is faith.” Faith tells us that there is a God, who knows you, loves you, cares for you and God has a perfect plan for your life. As you get to know Him, He will reveal answers to: Who He is?, What His plan is for your life?, and how can you live according to His plan? These are the questions worth answering.

The more I journey in my faith, I realize our faith is not about the rules and regulations but about the Who. Our relationship with God is the most important and what we do or not do is dependent on that relationship. Fr. Joseph Whelan, SJ has a famous prayer “Nothing is more practical than finding God… fall in love, stay in love, and it will decide everything.” God reveals Himself to us in all sorts of ways.

In 9th grade my teacher asked all the students what they would like to be when they grew up? I remember I said: “I don’t know yet, but I just want to be a good person.” Years went by and amazingly this answer was fulfilled, in all the details that I did not even know my heart thirsted for. (Click to read more about my story.)

Be like Mary. Get to know the Father, who already knows you intimately (your whys, your hows, and your struggles), and He will slowly reveal what you are seeking. Then when your invitation comes, you will be ready like Mary, to say “yes.”

Thank you for taking time to read my sharing and perhaps by reading, you are already allowing God to touch your heart and open your mind to God’s plan for your life.

I pray that you can live God’s dream for you.

Best wishes to all of you,

Sr. Eileen

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