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sacred heart



A vocation is all about love: each vocation begins with His Love for us, and God calls us to answer His call of love. I am the unworthy one, the lowly one and the one who has nothing.  Yet, God still called me to become a religious sister. So, I believe that if you open your heart, your mind, and your soul to him,  He will give the courage to overcome all the obstacles in your way and to follow Him.  

The Date with My God


I have a tradition of buying a rose and kneeling in front of the Sacred Heart of Jesus statue at my old church. One night, I had a dream that after Mass, I went and did exactly what I did every Sunday. I knelt down in front of Jesus and said, “I love You!”, and then I put the rose under His statue. Suddenly I heard a noise like some kind of stone was cracking.  The noise kept getting louder.  I felt so scared that I froze and did not look up.  I noticed that the statue of Jesus became real, and He raised my arm up with His hand and said “I LOVE YOU, TOO!” I was so scared that I woke up immediately. I realized that was my first date with the King of the universe.

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“I think of you upon my bed, I remember you through the watches of the night. You indeed are my savior, and in the shadow of your wings I shout for joy. My soul clings fast to you; your right hand upholds me.” (Psalm 63:7-9)

My New Life in Christ

Growing up, my family was poor and dealt with major difficulties in the household.  As a result, I wanted to do as much as I could to help my mom ease her stress, such as the cooking and cleaning. However, when I was 15 years old, I felt useless and all my accomplishments were nothing. One night I was in utter distress and depressed,  my soul felt a deep sorrow, so that my prayer was my tears. Since I love the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I have a large photo in my room. That night, I looked upon the photo and talked to Him through my tears. Before I slept, I whispered, “If you help me through this night, I am yours.” I slept like an angel.  The next day, my soul was full of joy and energy. This first miracle saved me from distress and gave me new life in Christ. He took my wounded heart and gave me a brand new heart."

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“O God, you are my God— it is you I seek!

For you my body yearns; for you my soul thirsts,

In a land parched, lifeless, and without water.

I look to you in the sanctuary to see your power and glory.

For your love is better than life; my lips shall ever praise you!” (Psalm 63: 1-4)

The Eucharist

Between the ages of 17-20 years old, I greatly doubted the mystery of the Eucharist. I did not believe that Jesus was truly present in the Eucharist. However, I still received the Eucharist as the memory of God’s Love for me.  One day (when I was 20 years old), at a youth mass, I went up to receive communion and I saw the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus imprinted on the host.  I could not believe my eyes because the image was so real and beautiful. I looked at the host for about ten seconds, and then I consumed it. I asked my best friend, “Did you see the picture of the Sacred Heart on the host?” She said, “No, it’s just a normal one.”  The miracle struck me immediately and I cried like a little child.  Now I have a conviction with my whole being that the Almighty God is truly present body, soul and divinity in the host.  Even if the whole world does not believe in the mystery, I will still believe in the Eucharist. The second miracle saved me from my doubt of the Eucharist to give me new love for the Lord.

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I will bless you as long as I live; I will lift up my hands, calling on your name.

My soul shall be sated as with choice food, with joyous lips my mouth shall praise you!” (Psalm 63: 5-6)

The Healing Touch

After the dream with Jesus, my whole being knew that He was calling me to become a religious sister.  However, I denied the call for six years because I felt unworthy to become a religious sister. However, I felt the urge to go to a “Come and See” with the Dominican Sisters in Houston. On the last and seventh day of the “Come and See,” I had a terrible migraine headache. I suffered from migraines for 16 years so this was not uncommon. I could not handle the pain anymore, so I went to the chapel and hid from everyone under a table with a white table cloth. 

At 1:00 A.M., a sister came into the chapel to pray. Somehow, she saw me under the table and she asked me to come out. She asked, “Why are you here?”  I said, “I just want to be away from people. They are so noisy and the noise makes my headache worse.”  She said, “There is an empty room. Come and sleep in there.” I said, “Thank you!”  Then I laid down and slept like an angel.  Little did I know, this would be my last migraine. I didn’t notice this as a miracle until a year later when I tried to recall when my last migraine occurred.  I took a test 10 years later to prove that I didn’t have migraine headaches anymore.  The last miracle saved me from sickness to give me new strength. I followed Him and answered the call which He planted in my heart a long time ago. I knew that Jesus granted me this miracle because I prayed in front of the image of the Sacred Heart for healing earlier that day.  I told Him, “My dear God, if you want me to become a religious sister, you need to take away my pain.” God answered my prayer that very night.   

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“Be merciful to me, Lord, for I am in distress; my eyes grow weak with sorrow, my soul and body with grief. But I trust in you, Lord; I say, “You are my God.” 

My times are in your hands.” (Psalm 31:9, 14-15)


Sister Ann Hương Dương, CMR

Congregation of Mary, Queen - American Region
Dòng Trinh VươngChi Dòng Hoa Kỳ
Regional Headquarters &
Vocations Office

625 South Jefferson Avenue
 Springfield, MO 65806  
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