Thanksgiving was different this year for us sisters. Our four communities didn't gather together in Springfield. We all had signs of Zoom burn-out but our meetings were on Zoom. We had all these foods we wanted to cook but no one to eat them. I am sure you were in a similar boat. Christmas is coming up, there are two vaccines, but most of us probably won’t get it until April.
So how will you survive? From our experience of Thanksgiving, we want to share our secret: BE GRATEFUL. Here are 5 things we were grateful for:
1. Gift of Sight and Hearing
Who wants another Zoom meeting? However, the gift of eyes and ears are nothing to despise.

Photo: Our St. Louis CMR Sisters are listening to Sr. Elyse, OP speak on the topic “Inter-Generational Living”
2. Gift of Nature’s Bounty
Who would think beneath the smelly gingko berry is something scrumptious and powerful to boost memory? We discovered downtown Springfield had gingko trees (it takes 20 years before a gingko tree bears berries) and the harvesting began!

Photo: Sr. Rosaline cracking the gingko berries. She is out in the garage because they have a “distinct” smell!
3. Gift of Generosity
Who doesn’t like free food? Our benefactors can no longer visit us – however, it doesn't stop them from dropping off food. Nor does it stop us from paying it forward and giving to those less fortunate.

Photo: Sr. Anna getting the baked fish ready for our dinner. Yummy!
4. Gift of Focus
Who knew there are an average 200 seeds per strawberry? It’s amazing what you experience when you pause, focus, and reflect.

Photo: Sr. Faustina strawberry picking and examining her "pick!"
5. Gift of Life
Who has recently visited a cemetery? If you haven’t, try it. It helps to bring issues and life into the bigger picture – what do you want to leave behind for future generations?

Photo: Sr. Eileen paying her respects to the souls of the faithful departed.