Every August brings change to our communities. Sisters move, plans are made, and schedules re-worked. This year is no different. Perhaps the biggest change is at our regional headquarters, the Springfield convent. The Springfield community grew from a planned 9 sisters to 11 sisters due to the pandemic. Sr. Phương and Sr. Thanh, who belong to the Motherhouse in Vietnam, have been studying abroad in the United States for the past few years. They graduated this past May from Brescia University (Congrats!) but are unable to return due to Covid-19 restrictions. Thus, they will be residing in Springfield until the health situation in Vietnam improves. For many years, we have always wanted a chance to better know our sisters from the Motherhouse. Who would have guessed that God would allow a virus to make our dreams become reality?
(See below for pictures of our 2021-2022 local communities)
The Holy Spirit was definitely at work in this year’s Chapter of Affairs to set some long-term plans into motion. The sisters are setting time aside to deepen understanding of our charism. Sisters with culinary gifts are dabbling into fundraising so that these monies can be used for renewal conferences. The congregation’s hymn books, over 25 years old, will also be updated.
Our local superiors also use the beginning of the academic year to implement any changes that the sisters may propose including: switching house chores, moving prayer time, focusing on a certain spiritual book, trying a new community recreation activity, etc. It’s an opportunity to pause and ask ourselves, “How is this community routine helping us to grow as persons, consecrated persons, and disciples of Jesus?”
Every August, our sisters know there will be change. As John Maxwell aptly remarks, “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” We don’t hope to change for the sake of change. We pray for change of heart, a heart more like Jesus, our Bridegroom and Mary, our Mother Superior.
Please keep us in your prayers!

Springfield Community 2021-2022 (missing our 2 VN sisters, picture coming soon!)

Irving Community 2021-2022

Kansas City Community 2021-2022

Saint Louis Community 2021-2022