What a spectacular CMR Thanksgiving 2019! As usual, all the communities (KC, STL, and Irving) traveled to Springfield for our annual Thanksgiving gathering. We kicked off our weekend with Evening Prayer and Adoration, with a surprise visit from Bishop Edward Rice. Dinner began with a reflection to remind ourselves to be aware of all the graces and blessings that constantly surround us.
Thanksgiving dinner was a feast of two turkeys marinated in Vietnamese seasonings with plentiful sides: corn, potatoes, spring salad, and yams. Of course, what's a good meal without dessert? There was the must-have pumpkin pie, Sr. Martha's delicious homemade pineapple cake, and the delectable Cranberries in Snow.
This year's talks include: Fruits of the Holy Spirit, Spiritual Books, and Thoughts on Bishop Lambert & Father Bernard. These sessions aimed at helping us to grow in the life of the Spirit and embrace fraternal charity more fervently. We also gave each other spiritual book recommendations for upcoming years. Since Thanksgiving weekend coincided with the beginning of the season of Advent, our sisters in formation led the Advent reflection to help us step into a new liturgical year. We also drew lots to receive our "Advent Angel" - a CMR tradition where we secretly pray for one of our sisters during Advent. (What is Advent? reflection)
On both Friday and Saturday evenings, the sisters gathered together for hilarious, rambunctious yet priceless entertainment. This year's highlight was the CMR Fun Night in a coffee house setting. It was a blast!
Check out our photo album and video montage below!
Happy Advent!! In the words of St. Paul, “May the God of peace make you perfect in holiness. May he preserve you whole and entire, spirit, soul and body, irreproachable at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thessalonians 5:23)