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Sr. Theresa Ni's Perpetual Profession and Sr. Emeline Thuy Third Profession of Vows Mass

Writer's picture: CMR SisterCMR Sister

Updated: Aug 8, 2019

It's been awhile since posting our news & events! Religious life is busy (Thank you for being patient)!

After much anticipation, on June 8, 2019, Sr. Theresa professed her final vows to Jesus to live out the vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience for life. The day was bustling with excitement as the sisters prepared for the celebration and welcomed Sr. Theresa's family and friends from Virginia, Texas, Washington State, and nearby St. Louis, MO. Bishop Edward Rice celebrated Mass and gave a wonderful homily reminding all of us that the world is full of turmoil and only in Jesus will we find true peace.

He blessed Sr. Theresa with powerful words, "Father we earnestly pray to You: send the fire of the Holy Spirit into the heart of your daughter to inflame her resolve... Strengthened by the vows of her consecration, may she always be one with You in fervent love, and faithful to Christ, her eternal Spouse..." He then blesses her ring and says, "Receive this ring, for you are betrothed to the Eternal King, keep faith with your Bridegroom so that you may come to the wedding feast of eternal joy."

Then Sr. Emeline was called by name to renew her vows for a third time. This will be her last temporary vows before her final vows in 3 years. It is a powerful commitment to the certainty of her path in religious life. Let us continue to pray for her courage, perseverance, and fidelity to her vows!

Afterwards we had a lovely celebration with lots of tasty food including a homemade pineapple and raspberry cake made with "T.L.C." by our very own locally famous baker Sr. Martha. It was D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!

It was a day surrounded and filled with love. Sr. Theresa and Sr. Emeline pronounced their "yes" to Jesus and He showered them with His Love! Just as the man who sold everything he owned for the treasure he found in the field (Mt 13:44), the Sisters have agreed to sell all. However, we must remember that following Jesus is not only about selling or giving up things, and gaining nothing in return. Rather, we can say that it is really about exchanging worldly things to gain essentially everything - Jesus, the most generous lover! Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen once said, "You give me your humanity, I will give you my divinity. You give me your time, I will give you my eternity. You give me your slavery, I will give you my freedom. You give me your death, I will give you my life. You give me your nothingness, I will give you my all."

Once again, congratulations to our dear Sisters for your perseverance in holiness and your courage to say "yes." All Glory and Praise to God! May God Bless you and Keep you in His heart!

Check out our photogallery of the celebration!! But here's a PREVIEW!

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